Thematic Expertise

In a global climate of disruption, and in the face of hugely diverse contexts, we believe that our response needs to be resilient and flexible. The only consistently dependable approach is to accompany local people, communities and organizations in responding to their challenges and needs, securing their rights, and achieving their aspirations. 

Therefore, we maintain a broad sectoral approach, we carry out people-centred, community-based and rights-based humanitarian responses, bringing expertise in the following areas:

  • Rights-Based Local to Global Approach
  • Child Protection
  • Gender Justice
  • Disability Inclusion
  • Climate Justice

Rights-Based Approach Local to Global

Our distinctive RBA ‘local to global to local’ (L2G2L) approach has leveraged our role as an international actor, ensuring that local voices are heard at national and global level.

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Child Protection

World Service's child protection work fits within our broader programmatic area of Protection and Social Cohesion.

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Gender Justice

LWF World Service begins any programming initiative by analysing gender power relations and vulnerabilities, to ensure we address gender gaps and contribute to gender justice.

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Climate Justice

World Service's engagement for climate justice is done through our humanitarian and development work, and engagement in relevant policy debates at national, regional and international levels.

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