The work of LWF World Service is only possible through the support of partners and donors. Committed to cooperation, transparency, and accountability, we aim to nurture those partnerships in the best interest of the people we serve.
Related Organizations
LWF World Service has long-standing, vital relationships with humanitarian and development agencies involved in humanitarian assistance and development. Related organizations provide a major share of program funding and collaborate closely in areas such as program planning and operations, strategy, policy development, joint advocacy, and staff secondment.

International Organizations
LWF World Service’s long history and successful track record in aid and development work make us a major, trusted implementing partner of international organizations. These
are often agencies belonging to the United Nations, or closely affiliated with it, as well as organizations representing the European Union in humanitarian affairs.

National Governments
Governments influence global policy and advocacy efforts. Financial and technical support is also received from national governments, usually though our partnership with the humanitarian and development organizations of LWF member churches.

Ecumenical and Interfaith partners
As a founding member of ACT Alliance, LWF World Service continues to play an active role with other members on the ground, in country forums, with regional offices, and within the Geneva secretariat. We strive to respond to emergencies through ACT mechanisms in a coordinated, timely, and effective manner. In accord with the Memorandum of Understanding with Islamic Relief Worldwide (renewed in 2017), and the Joint Declaration of Intent with Caritas Internationalis (2016), we aim to strengthen our relationship with the Islamic community and Roman Catholic Church to create sustainable change in the lives of those who suffer from poverty, disaster, and marginalization.

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