LWF World Service

Our humanitarian responses and development work at the service of the most vulnerable

The focus of our strategy remains clear: it is always on the people we serve.

At the center of everything we do are the people involved in and affected by our work: refugees, internally displaced people, returnees, host communities, and communities at risk.

Our work aims to build their capacities and empower them to act as citizens and human beings in fragile, frequently violent, environments affected by rapid and often calamitous change. The inherent dignity and human rights of every individual are central to our approaches and inform our decision-making at every level.

Crisis in the Holy Land

LWF World Service serves in 26 countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean. 99.6 % of our staff are local employees or incentive workers.

2.6million people
served in 2023
supporting the work
LWF staff during an evaluation visit in the south of Chad

Who we are

We are committed to longer-term solutions, consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that address root causes of poverty so that all can enjoy their rights and a life with dignity.

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What we do

The focus of our strategy remains clear: it is always on the people we serve. At the center of everything we do are the people involved in and affected by our work: refugees, internally displaced people, returnees, host communities, and communities at risk.

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Where we work

LWF World Service is present in 26 countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. Find out more about our country programs.

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