Systems and practices for quality programming

To fulfill our vision and mandate in ever-changing and increasingly more competitive and insecure environments, LWF World Service is committed to having systems and practices that meet the highest of standards. We prioritize effective leadership and change management processes.

We commit sufficient resources to these priorities, creating a shared vision among our staff, developing measurable plans, and achieving some quick results in order to build momentum. We also invest in building technical capacity to implement our operations according to our three programmatic areas.

The nine areas of work outlined below are equally important and not listed in any particular order of priority.

Aligned Support Structures and Systems

to ensure a coordinated system of tools and processes

Resource Mobilization and Sustainable Funding

to cover core expenses as a cost-effective organisation

Robust Financial Management

to minimise risk and achieve the best value for money

Intentional Relations Management

to maintain a strong relationship with our partners who are key to our success

Quality and Accountability

to ensure our programming is effective

Safety and Security

to identify, prepare and respond to threats to our staff

Knowledge Management and Learning

to share, learn from and record experiences 

Investing in People

to effectively fulfil our objectives, mandate and vision

Green Infrastructure

to protect the environment on which we all depend