16 November 2018, San José de León, Mutatá, Antioquia, Colombia: Rosa (right) and Mayerlis (left) prepare a meal of sarapa - rice and chicken wrapped in a Cachibou leaf - for 80 community members in San José de León.
Since 2001 in Colombia and 2019 in Venezuela, the LWF Colombia - Venezuela program responds to various emergencies and needs caused by armed conflict, natural disasters, and migration, supporting affected ethnic communities, peasants, migrants, and local leaders. The country program enables 39,000 people annually to have access to safe water and acquire hygiene habits. It also helps improve livelihoods and disaster risk reduction strategies. In addition, protection and social cohesion projects are implemented using a community-based approach to foster a culture of peace and conflict transformation. In Venezuela, the country program works with local partners, supporting them in situation analysis and in the implementation of a multi-sectoral response to the humanitarian crisis.
In 2022, LWF World Service celebrated the twentieth anniversary of its work in Colombia
The program, which now covers both Colombia and Venezuela, began in the context of the civil war in Colombia.
"We conceive peace as an integral peace with social justice that integrates the possibility that people can develop productive projects that allow us to stay in territory and no be recruited by a non- stated armed group."
Support our humanitarian and development projects in Colombia and Venezuela
Help LWF World Service in our mission to empower people around the world. We will use your contribution where the needs are most urgent.
Local voices, local actions
In Paz de Ariporo, Casanare, Colombia, local communities clean their streets and public spaces. This activity is held via the ‘#SAFER: supporting safe migration’ project held by LWF Colombia and Venezuela
"The field visits as part of the twentieth anniversary celebrations reminded us exactly why we work in Colombia, standing alongside the most vulnerable, supporting them in defending their rights and securing hope for the future."
LWF World Service is regularly looking for new staff to work in the field. A commitment to the human rights of every individual, regardless of their status, guides our work, actions, and operations. Our work is people-centred and community-based.
LWF Colombia and Venezuela LinkedIn page
Local contacts
Michael French, Regional Program Coordinator (Geneva)
Email: [email protected]
Carmen García, Representative in Colombia and Venezuela
Email: [email protected]
- ACT Alliance
- Act Church of Sweden
- European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission
- German National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation
- United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- World Food Programme
More information
LWF Colombia and Venezuela Facebook page
LWF Colombia and Venezuela Twitter