Brno, 2024 - LWF Prague organized a free summer camp together with partners from Nesehnutí. The aim was to offer immigrant families a space for social integration, communication skills development and local culture learning. The camp programme was designed to combine educational, cultural and sports activities to meet the needs and interests of the target group.

ONE STAGE, MANY STORIES: HOW AMATEUR DRAMATICS UNITED LOCALS AND FOREIGNERS IN PRAGUE. On 8.11. 2024, the premiere of the amateur performance TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF MY LIFE took place in Prague theatre – and was sold out! The play was based on the true stories of foreigners and Czechs living in Prague. The stories of Czech woman Gabriela and her Brazilian husband Damian, whom her mother did not accept; of Veronika, Ukrainian woman who suffered her husband’s violence; of Nikola, who would like to have a baby as a single mother, but faces being misunderstood by the society - all these stories illustrate the aim of the LWF Prague: to support effective integration and share the messages on love and acceptance of diversity.
LWF Prague is a technical and advisory support hub for LWF World Service since 2021. Global subject matter specialists work with different LWF Country Programmes and HQ in Geneva. Key areas of our support include Complaint Response Mechanism (CRM), Digital learning, Humanitarian operations, SharePoint Management, Program Support, Communications, and other services upon need. Since its establishment LWF Prague has also developed relationships with faith-based communities and like-minded stakeholders, including the LWF member church and its diverse diaconal structures in the Czech Republic.
Building on the vast experience of LWF World Service, from 2024 our organization spreads further the acts of love, hope and commitment towards the most vulnerable. LWF Prague and partners cooperate on local initiatives to promote social cohesion, inclusivity, faith-sensitive and value-based dialogue in the Czech Republic.
Key activities included 19 projects in various regions: via intercultural exchange events for adults, camps and culture awareness events for kids from multicultural families and backgrounds, awareness raising on GBV, interactive lectures and festivals on refugee topics and diverse cultures.
“I have other emotions that are related not only to the theatre, but also to language learning. I took courses to study Czech, sometimes it was very difficult and even scary, but the theatre gave me more... It encouraged me to work harder, overcome fear and improve myself. I also independently arranged meetings and practiced with Petr and Eliška, my amateur theatre mates, as Czech native speakers, and this helped me to get rid of my fear of speaking, to use Czech in practice, to communicate with the Czechs from our group and the audience.”
Intercultural dialogue is not just about tolerating each other. It is about meeting together, creating together, listening to each other. Within the Prague Office projects, we have supported spaces where this has happened. Whether in the form of a theatre performance, a suburban camp, community spaces, or evening lectures.
LWF World Service is regularly looking for new staff to work in the field. A commitment to the human rights of every individual, regardless of their status, guides our work, actions, and operations. Our work is people-centred and community-based.
Nazakat Bayverdiyeva, Director of LWF Prague
Email: [email protected]
- The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB)
- Diakonia CRD
- Diakonia SCPC
- YMCA Czech Republic
- Nesehnuti
- Scouts Institute
- Jablickov Community Centre